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With 20+ years of business experience, we offer a variety of comprehensive services. These services are aimed at protecting your investment. We customize our services to the unique requirements of our customers’ needs to remedy their concerns. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive long-term solution.
With March around the corner are you already planning for your spring lawn maintenance? Does it always feel like no matter how hard you try, your neighbor’s grass really is always greener than yours?
This year, don’t worry about the “Johnson’s” or the “Smith’s” yard! With Critter Getter services and lawn maintenance, soon everyone will be asking YOU how to get their yard to be as nice as yours.
Take a close look at your trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. Are they lacking the lively appearance they used to have? Call on one of our certified technicians at Critter Getters to get to the root of the problem. Then, we’ll find the right treetmen...